2/4/44 - S2c(GM)
4/1/44 - S1c
7/14/44 - Captain's Mast: Sleeping on watch; awarded Deck Court
7/17/44 - Deck Court: Sleeping on watch; to lose pay $11 for two months, TLP: $22
9/22/44 - Captain's Mast: Sleeping on watch
10/28/44 - Captain's Mast: leaving station on watch without being properly relieved and falsehood; punishment: Deck Court
11/11/44 - Deck Court
11/21/44 - Placed in solitary confinement on bread and water for ten days, full ration every third day
12/1/44 - Released from confinement
3/15/45 - S1c(GM) to S1c
2/15/46 - to PSC, Boston, MA, for discharge |